
金融专家Rajat Soni将XRP称为“奴隶币”

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比特币和金融专家Rajat Soni再次表示不赞成XRP,称其为“奴隶币”。他的声明是在关于银行等组织将XRP用于各种金融目的的对话中发表的 ;


Soni支持比特币作为XRP和CBDC的去中心化替代品 ;
XRP has been praised for its ability to speed up cross-border payments; however, critics like Soni caution that this could strengthen the control of centralized financial systems at the expense of other aspects. ;


Soni的最新言论延续了他对XRP的长期批评。比特币最大主义者此前曾将XRP描述为“骗局硬币”。Soni辩称XRP stands little chance of adoption by financial institutions, asserting that banks will opt for 比特币 over XRP. ;





--Rajat Soni,特许金融分析师(@rajatsonifnance)2023年12月18日
Soni在一份声明中 XRP的价值可能e一文不值if it is banned in the United States and highlighted its lack of widespread use worldwide as a concern. He advises people to be cautious about investing in XRP as their expectations of banks embracing it may not match the situation. ;

The 比特币 community echoes Soni’s XRP criticism ;
比特币社区的其他知名人士也回应了Soni对XRP的批评。“Sensei BTC”关于X的讨论,强调了比特币比XRP更强劲的价格表现,当他建议新来者避免投资XRP时,他使用了脏话。

The supporters of XRP have continuously challenged the criticisms of 比特币 maximalists by asserting that XRP presents benefits and could substantially impact the finance landscape in the future. ;

有趣的是,支持XRPYouTube主播Zach Rector最近,XRP反对比特币。他认为,前者是金融的未来,而不是旗舰加密代币。他提到的一件事是交易手续费 on the 比特币 network and how that was going to affect its utility. ;

比特币 has seen a spike in fees and transactions in recent months. This has been driven primarily by the introduction of Inscriptions (related to 比特币 Ordinals) and Runes. These developments have increased the demand for block space, contributing to the rise in transaction costs on the 比特币 network. This is unlike XRP, which has a relatively cheaper average transaction fee. ;